The Fateful Prophecy Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived...
The Curious Child There once was a young boy named Timmy, known far and...
The Olden Days Long ago, in a cozy, forgotten village tucked away in an...
The Enchanted Island Once upon a time, in the heart of the vast blue...
A Blessed Birth Once upon a time, in the ancient land of China, there...
The Giving Mother In a small village, nestled between green hills and whispering forests,...
The Discovery Once upon a time, in a cozy little village nestled between rolling...
In the Enchanted Land of Ancient Japan Long ago, in a land surrounded by...
The Orphaned Brother Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled between...
The Magical Invitation Once upon a time, in a place not too far away,...